Thursday, 29 October 2009

Best Bin in the village (possibly)

I've done it before, so I can do it again - oh yes I can. In the Spring I didn't put the bin out for two months - not because I am lazy or wanted to put the 'recycling officers'(?)' backs out - but because I wanted to have a real crack at reducing our household waste. We managed it quite well, but admittedly was very happy to get the bin emptied - it wasn't actually full even then, but it was a wee bit pongy. So I am going to have another go, because I have noticed that I have slipped back into some bad old ways, such as buying things in those ridiculous plastic containers - you know the ones you get two fishcakes in, or some other daft produce that are a lot cheaper and much, much nicer to make yourself. I stopped all unnecessary packaging purchases when I wasn't putting rubbish in the bin - it focuses the mind. So, having another go, but rather than saying I am going to leave it two months etc, just going to see how long I can do it for. The green waste bin will go out as usual of course.
This time, I am going to hibernate the kitchen bin too.
So, I had a jolly good scrub of the wheelie bin yesterday in readiness for its little adventure - nice job I must say. There was something rather nasty stuck to the bottom and when I finally got it out it was stil unidentifiable- lovely!

So here we go, take a few months off council collecting person and see you when I see you!

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