Sunday, 6 December 2009

Waving not drowning

The Stop Climate Change Coalition organised a huge demonstration last Saturday in London, where the 50K demonstrators wore blue and gave a great big wave in favour of action against climate change. Gordon Brown invited some of the demonstrators back to Number 10 for a chin wag and The Wave received huge media coverage. I wanted to be there - I really did. Blue is not my colour but I would have forsworn my usual funereal get up in favour of a dandy blue outfit, but it was not to be. Why not? Train fares. Ironic really - transport change is rather key to the climate change movement, but somebody forgot to tell the rail companies that. Instead I stayed at home and checked up on progress via the web. Is the Internet the new train? No it is not - I didn't get pushed along in a wave of enthusiasm and hope, marvelling at the strength of belief and great outfits - no, I gave a little plaintive shout out to those with strong conviction and possibly a rail pass- thanks guys, I was with you at my kitchen table.

There has been a lot of talk this week about manipulated data on human activity affecting climate change - get the low down on
However, believe what you like (and I do believe), we are in a mess. Blame whoever or whatever you like, but sea levels are rising and oil supply is getting shorter - ergo, humans have to act. Even if you don't want to think about peak oil (it's not sexy after all), take a trip out to your local landfill - bring a flask and sandwiches with you - it's lovely this time of year. We are wasteful beings: for some the R's of reduce, re-use, recycle are more the D's, Dispose, Dump and Don't give a XXXX. So whatever you believe, let's not just buy buy buy, without considering the life cycle of the item - especially at Christmas.

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